


Cache instance






Public Async clear

Removes every key from the database, returning it to a blank slate.

clear() will remove every item in the offline store. Use this method with caution.

Returns : Promise<void>
Public clone
clone(config?: NgForageOptions)

Make a clone of the instance

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
config NgForageOptions Yes

Optional configuration

Returns : NgForage
Public Async dropInstance
dropInstance(cfg?: LocalForageDbInstanceOptions)

When invoked with no arguments, it drops the “store” of the current instance. When invoked with an object specifying both name and storeName properties, it drops the specified “store”. When invoked with an object specifying only a name property, it drops the specified “database” (and all its stores).

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
cfg LocalForageDbInstanceOptions Yes
Returns : Promise<void>
Public Async getItem
getItem(key: string)
Type parameters :
  • T

Gets an item from the storage library. If the key does not exist, getItem() will return null.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

Data key

Returns : Promise<T | null>
Public Async iterate
iterate(iteratee: (value: T,key: string,iterationNumber: number) => void)
Type parameters :
  • T
  • U

Iterate over all value/key pairs in datastore. iteratee is called once for each pair, with the following arguments:

  1. Value
  2. Key
  3. iterationNumber - one-based number
iterate() supports early exit by returning a non-`undefined` value inside iteratorCallback callback.
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
iteratee function No
Returns : Promise<U>
Public Async key
key(index: number)

Get the name of a key based on its ID.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
index number No
Returns : Promise<string>
Public Async keys

Get the list of all keys in the datastore.

Returns : Promise<string[]>
Public Async length

Gets the number of keys in the offline store (i.e. its “length”).

Returns : Promise<number>
Public Async ready

Even though localForage queues up all of its data API method calls, ready() provides a way to determine whether the asynchronous driver initialization process has finished. That’s useful in cases like when we want to know which driver localForage has settled down using.

Returns : Promise<void>
Public Async removeItem
removeItem(key: string)

Removes the value of a key from the offline store.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

Data key

Returns : Promise<void>
Public Async setItem
setItem(key: string, data: T)
Type parameters :
  • T

Saves data to an offline store. You can store the following types of JavaScript objects:

  • Array
  • ArrayBuffer
  • Blob
  • Float32Array
  • Float64Array
  • Int8Array
  • Int16Array
  • Int32Array
  • Number
  • Object
  • Uint8Array
  • Uint8ClampedArray
  • Uint16Array
  • Uint32Array
  • String
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
key string No

Data key

data T No


Returns : Promise<T>
Public supports
supports(driver: Driver | string)

Check whether the given driver is supported/registered.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
driver Driver | string No

Driver name

Returns : boolean
Public configure
configure(opts: NgForageOptions)
Inherited from BaseConfigurableImpl

Bulk-set configuration options

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
opts NgForageOptions No

The configuration

Public toJSON
Inherited from BaseConfigurableImpl
Public toString
Inherited from BaseConfigurableImpl
Returns : string



Returns the name of the driver being used, or null if none can be used.

Returns : DriverType
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import type {BaseConfigurable, NgForageOptions} from '../config';
import {BaseConfigurableImpl} from '../config';
import type {DriverType} from '../misc/driver-type.type';
import {Driver} from '../misc/driver.enum';

 * Cache instance
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class NgForage extends BaseConfigurableImpl implements BaseConfigurable {

   * Returns the name of the driver being used, or null if none can be used.
  public get activeDriver(): DriverType {

   * When invoked with no arguments, it drops the “store” of the current instance. When invoked with an object
   * specifying both name and storeName properties, it drops the specified “store”. When invoked with an object
   * specifying only a name property, it drops the specified “database” (and all its stores).
  public async dropInstance(cfg?: LocalForageDbInstanceOptions): Promise<void> {
    return await (cfg ? :;

   * Removes every key from the database, returning it to a blank slate.
   * clear() will remove <b>every item in the offline store</b>. Use this method with caution.
  public async clear(): Promise<void> {
    return await;

   * Make a clone of the instance
   * @param config Optional configuration
  public clone(config?: NgForageOptions): NgForage {
    const inst = new NgForage(this.baseConfig, this.fact);
    inst.configure({...this.finalConfig, ...config});

    return inst;

   * Gets an item from the storage library.
   * If the key does not exist, getItem() will return null.
   * @param key Data key
  public async getItem<T>(key: string): Promise<T | null> {
    return await<T>(key);

   * Iterate over all value/key pairs in datastore.
   * <i>iteratee</i> is called once for each pair, with the following arguments:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>Value</li>
   *   <li>Key</li>
   *   <li>iterationNumber - one-based number</li>
   * </ol>
   * iterate() supports early exit by returning a non-`undefined` value inside iteratorCallback callback.
   * @param iteratee
  public async iterate<T, U>(iteratee: (value: T, key: string, iterationNumber: number) => U): Promise<U> {
    return await;

   * Get the name of a key based on its ID.
   * @param index
  public async key(index: number): Promise<string> {
    return await;

   * Get the list of all keys in the datastore.
  public async keys(): Promise<string[]> {
    return await;

   * Gets the number of keys in the offline store (i.e. its “length”).
  public async length(): Promise<number> {
    return await;

   * Even though localForage queues up all of its data API method calls,
   * ready() provides a way to determine whether the asynchronous driver initialization process has finished.
   * That’s useful in cases like when we want to know which driver localForage has settled down using.
  public async ready(): Promise<void> {
    return await;

   * Removes the value of a key from the offline store.
   * @param key Data key
  public async removeItem(key: string): Promise<void> {
    return await;

   * Saves data to an offline store. You can store the following types of JavaScript objects:
   * <ul>
   *  <li>Array</li>
   *  <li>ArrayBuffer</li>
   *  <li>Blob</li>
   *  <li>Float32Array</li>
   *  <li>Float64Array</li>
   *  <li>Int8Array</li>
   *  <li>Int16Array</li>
   *  <li>Int32Array</li>
   *  <li>Number</li>
   *  <li>Object</li>
   *  <li>Uint8Array</li>
   *  <li>Uint8ClampedArray</li>
   *  <li>Uint16Array</li>
   *  <li>Uint32Array</li>
   *  <li>String</li>
   * </ul>
   * @param key Data key
   * @param data Data
  public async setItem<T>(key: string, data: T): Promise<T> {
    return await<T>(key, data);

   * Check whether the given driver is supported/registered.
   * @param driver Driver name
  public supports(driver: Driver | string): boolean {

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