


Abstract service-level configuration layer for NgForage




Public configure
configure(opts: NgForageOptions)

Bulk-set configuration options

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
opts NgForageOptions No

The configuration

Public toJSON
Public toString
Returns : string



A description of the database, essentially for developer usage.

Returns : string
setdescription(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The preferred driver(s) to use.

Returns : DriverType | []
setdriver(v: DriverType | DriverType[])
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v DriverType | DriverType[] No
Returns : void

The name of the database. May appear during storage limit prompts. Useful to use the name of your app here. In localStorage, this is used as a key prefix for all keys stored in localStorage.

Returns : string
setname(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The size of the database in bytes. Used only in WebSQL for now.

Returns : number
setsize(v: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v number No
Returns : void

The name of the datastore. In IndexedDB this is the dataStore, in WebSQL this is the name of the key/value table in the database. Must be alphanumeric, with underscores. Any non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscores.

Returns : string
setstoreName(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The version of your database. May be used for upgrades in the future; currently unused.

Returns : number
setversion(v: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v number No
Returns : void
import {Inject, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import 'localforage';
import {InstanceFactory} from '../instance-factory';
import type {DriverType} from '../misc/driver-type.type';
import type {BaseConfigurable} from './base-configurable';
import {NgForageConfig} from './ng-forage-config.service';
import type {NgForageOptions} from './ng-forage-options';

/** @internal */
const store$: unique symbol = Symbol('Store');

 * Abstract service-level configuration layer for NgForage
export abstract class BaseConfigurableImpl implements BaseConfigurable {

  /** @internal */
  protected readonly baseConfig: NgForageConfig;

  /** @internal */
  protected readonly config: NgForageOptions = {};

  /** @internal */
  protected readonly fact: InstanceFactory;

  /** @internal */
  protected storeNeedsRecalc = true;

  /** @internal */
  private [store$]: LocalForage;

  /** @internal */
  public constructor(
    @Inject(NgForageConfig) config: NgForageConfig,
    @Inject(InstanceFactory) instanceFactory: InstanceFactory
  ) {
    this.baseConfig = config;
    this.fact = instanceFactory;

   * A description of the database, essentially for developer usage.
   * @default ""
  public get description(): string {
    return this.config.description || this.baseConfig.description;

  public set description(v: string) {
    this.config.description = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

   * The preferred driver(s) to use.
   * @default IndexedDB, WebSQL and localStorage
  public get driver(): DriverType | DriverType[] {
    return this.config.driver ?? this.baseConfig.driver;

  public set driver(v: DriverType | DriverType[]) {
    this.config.driver = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

   * The name of the database. May appear during storage limit prompts. Useful to use the name of your app here.
   * In localStorage, this is used as a key prefix for all keys stored in localStorage.
   * @default ngForage
  public get name(): string {
    return ||;

  public set name(v: string) { = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

   * The size of the database in bytes. Used only in WebSQL for now.
   * @default 4980736
  public get size(): number {
    return this.config.size ?? this.baseConfig.size;

  public set size(v: number) {
    this.config.size = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

   * The name of the datastore.
   * In IndexedDB this is the dataStore,
   * in WebSQL this is the name of the key/value table in the database.
   * Must be alphanumeric, with underscores.
   * Any non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscores.
   * @default ng_forage
  public get storeName(): string {
    return this.config.storeName ?? this.baseConfig.storeName;

  public set storeName(v: string) {
    this.config.storeName = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

   * The version of your database. May be used for upgrades in the future; currently unused.
   * @default 1.0
  public get version(): number {
    return this.config?.version ?? this.baseConfig.version;

  public set version(v: number) {
    this.config.version = v;
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

  /** @internal */
  protected get finalConfig(): NgForageOptions {
    return {

  /** @internal */
  protected get store(): LocalForage {
    if (this.storeNeedsRecalc || !this[store$]) {
      this[store$] = this.fact.getInstance(this.finalConfig);
      this.storeNeedsRecalc = false;

    return this[store$];

   * Bulk-set configuration options
   * @param opts The configuration
  public configure(opts: NgForageOptions): this {
    opts = opts || {};

    if (Array.isArray(opts.driver)) {
      opts.driver = opts.driver.slice();

    Object.assign(this.config, opts);
    this.storeNeedsRecalc = true;

    return this;

  public toJSON(): Partial<NgForageOptions> {
    return {
      description: this.description,
      driver: this.driver,
      size: this.size,
      storeName: this.storeName,
      version: this.version

  public toString(): string {
    return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());

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