Property at which the change detector can be found
Optional configuration
Automatically completes the subjects and event emitters at this property. The property can be either a single object or an array of objects.
Decorate a getter that returns a subject. The subject will automatically get completed when the component/service/pipe is destroyed.
Mark the property as a subject setter. When written to, it will call .next(value) on the subject. The decorator's default config option only works on items that make use of the OnInit hook, i.e. it will not work for services and pipes.
Because the default config option utilises the OnInit hook, it should not be used on properties that are component inputs as the input would get overridden during the hook.
Name of the property at which the subject resides
Optional configuration
Subscribe to an observable and set its last emitted value to this property
This decorator requires the ngOnInit hook and therefore will only work with directives and components.
Property at which the observable resides
Optional configuration
Set the given property to true when the component is destroyed
Set the given property to true when the component is initialised
Automatically unsubscribe from the subscription(s) present at this property. The property can be either a single subscription or an array of subscriptions.
Call .markForCheck() on the change detector ref whenever this property is written to.