


Global/default configuration




Public constructor(conf: NgForageOptions)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
conf NgForageOptions No


Public configure
configure(opts: NgForageOptions)

Bulk-set configuration options

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
opts NgForageOptions No

The configuration

Public Async defineDriver
defineDriver(spec: LocalForageDriver)

Define a driver

You’ll want to make sure you accept a callback argument and that you pass the same arguments to callbacks as the default drivers do. You’ll also want to resolve or reject promises. Check any of the default drivers for an idea of how to implement your own, custom driver.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
spec LocalForageDriver No

Driver spec

Returns : Promise<void>
Public toString
Returns : string



Cache time in milliseconds

Returns : number
setcacheTime(t: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
t number No
Returns : void

Get the compiled configuration

Returns : NgForageOptions

A description of the database, essentially for developer usage.

Returns : string
setdescription(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The preferred driver(s) to use.

Returns : DriverType | []
setdriver(v: DriverType | DriverType[])
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v DriverType | DriverType[] No
Returns : void

The name of the database. May appear during storage limit prompts. Useful to use the name of your app here. In localStorage, this is used as a key prefix for all keys stored in localStorage.

Returns : string
setname(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The size of the database in bytes. Used only in WebSQL for now.

Returns : number
setsize(v: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v number No
Returns : void

The name of the datastore. In IndexedDB this is the dataStore, in WebSQL this is the name of the key/value table in the database. Must be alphanumeric, with underscores. Any non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscores.

Returns : string
setstoreName(v: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v string No
Returns : void

The version of your database. May be used for upgrades in the future; currently unused.

Returns : number
setversion(v: number)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
v number No
Returns : void
import {Inject, Injectable, Optional} from '@angular/core';
import 'localforage';
import {localForage as lf} from '../imports/localforage';
import type {DriverType} from '../misc/driver-type.type';
import {Driver} from '../misc/driver.enum';
import {DEFAULT_CONFIG} from '../misc/injection-tokens';
import type {BaseConfigurable} from './base-configurable';
import type {CacheConfigurable} from './cache-configurable';
import type {NgForageOptions} from './ng-forage-options';

/** @internal */
const $defaultConfig: unique symbol = Symbol('Default Config');

 * Global/default configuration
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class NgForageConfig implements BaseConfigurable, CacheConfigurable {

  /** @internal */
  private readonly [$defaultConfig]: NgForageOptions;

  public constructor(@Optional() @Inject(DEFAULT_CONFIG) conf: NgForageOptions) {
    this[$defaultConfig] = {
      cacheTime: 300000,
      description: '',
      driver: [Driver.INDEXED_DB, Driver.WEB_SQL, Driver.LOCAL_STORAGE],
      name: 'ngForage',
      size: 4980736,
      storeName: 'ng_forage',
      version: 1
    if (conf) {

   * Cache time in milliseconds
   * @default 300000
  public get cacheTime(): number {
    return this[$defaultConfig].cacheTime!;

  public set cacheTime(t: number) {
    this[$defaultConfig].cacheTime = t;

   * Get the compiled configuration
  public get config(): NgForageOptions {
    return {
      cacheTime: this.cacheTime,
      description: this.description,
      driver: this.driver,
      size: this.size,
      storeName: this.storeName,
      version: this.version

   * A description of the database, essentially for developer usage.
   * @default
  public get description(): string {
    return this[$defaultConfig].description!;

  public set description(v: string) {
    this[$defaultConfig].description = v;

   * The preferred driver(s) to use.
  public get driver(): DriverType | DriverType[] {
    const d = this[$defaultConfig].driver;
    if (!d) {
      return [];
    } else if (Array.isArray(d)) {
      return d.slice();

    return d;

  public set driver(v: DriverType | DriverType[]) {
    this[$defaultConfig].driver = v;

   * The name of the database. May appear during storage limit prompts. Useful to use the name of your app here.
   * In localStorage, this is used as a key prefix for all keys stored in localStorage.
   * @default ngForage
  public get name(): string {
    return this[$defaultConfig].name!;

  public set name(v: string) {
    this[$defaultConfig].name = v;

   * The size of the database in bytes. Used only in WebSQL for now.
   * @default 4980736
  public get size(): number {
    return this[$defaultConfig].size!;

  public set size(v: number) {
    this[$defaultConfig].size = v;

   * The name of the datastore.
   * In IndexedDB this is the dataStore,
   * in WebSQL this is the name of the key/value table in the database.
   * Must be alphanumeric, with underscores.
   * Any non-alphanumeric characters will be converted to underscores.
   * @default ng_forage
  public get storeName(): string {
    return this[$defaultConfig].storeName!;

  public set storeName(v: string) {
    this[$defaultConfig].storeName = v;

   * The version of your database. May be used for upgrades in the future; currently unused.
   * @default 1.0
  public get version(): number {
    return this[$defaultConfig].version!;

  public set version(v: number) {
    this[$defaultConfig].version = v;

   * Bulk-set configuration options
   * @param opts The configuration
  public configure(opts: NgForageOptions): this {
    const resolved = {...opts};

    if (Array.isArray(resolved?.driver)) {
      resolved.driver = resolved.driver.slice();

    Object.assign(this[$defaultConfig], resolved);

    return this;

   * Define a driver
   * You’ll want to make sure you accept a callback argument and that you pass the same arguments to callbacks as the
   * default drivers do. You’ll also want to resolve or reject promises.
   * Check any of the {@link default drivers}
   * for an idea of how to implement your own, custom driver.
   * @param spec Driver spec
  public async defineDriver(spec: LocalForageDriver): Promise<void> {
    return await lf.defineDriver(spec);

  /** @internal */
  public toJSON(): NgForageOptions {
    return this.config;

  public toString(): string {
    return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());

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